Lytham St Annes – 2 bed Apartment Renovation


Lytham St Annes - 2 bed Apartment Renovation

We are pleased to announce that finally we have completed Dry-Lining project to 100% completion. It was a long time since we have started in September 2021 and finished it in February 2022.

This house was built in 1896. Last refurbishment was done in 1960s, where house was split in 3 apartments. There were also few other small refurbishment works during last years such as bathroom renewal.

We are pleased to announce that finally we have completed Dry-Lining project to 100% completion. It was a long time since we have started in September 2021 and finished it in February 2022.

This house was built in 1896. Last refurbishment was done in 1960s, where house was split in 3 apartments. There were also few other small refurbishment works during last years such as bathroom renewal.


After fire protected ceiling was completed, we have started to fix wall linings using Gypliner wall lining system. For this system we have used 195mm brackets and 295mm brackets, also we have used 50mm Rockwool slab insulation for all external walls and party walls. Few times we needed to step from double board skin to single board skin.


Our next job was to divide large spacious room in to 3 rooms –> En-suite, Bedroom and Bathroom. We have set out all our rooms to make sure that they are square as per dry-lining tolerance. For partitions we have used some specific details when we have fixed studs to uninsulated external wall. Also we have used only deep tracks to form partitions and door opening.


As soon as electrical and plumbing 1st fix was completed we could start boarding -> 2nd fix stage. We have started fully closing Lounge room, where we have formed octagonal window bay dwarf wall and bulkhead, which was a bit complicated. As well pattresses were fitted for radiator. Prior boarding, we were fitting Vapour Barrier to every external and party wall using foil type VCL. Also every perimeter edge had a mastic seal for sound proof and air tight seal. Client’s request was to save old existing wood door and we needed to follow its shape with edge beads. Wall by wall we have closed this room and our next job was to form MF ceiling. Prior MF6 perimeter installation we have completed firetaping to fill all joints, screws and gaps above MF ceiling to improve sound proof and air seal. When metal works were finished, another layer of 100mm Rockwool slab insulation was fitted. Which gives us in total 200mm insulation between floors. Next job prior boarding needed to fix pattresses for smoke sensor and light. Finally we were ready to start boarding and for better sound proof we have used 15mm Soundshiled boards (Siniat brand). While boarding ceiling we have applied mastic seal bead to perimeter for better sound properties and air seal. Plastering was done afterwards.  On this job we have used Thistle Board Finish. We strongly advise to use plastering because it gives you extra layer of protection (2-3mm stone) which also improving fire protection for your project.

Nearly every room had the same spec. Only difference we had in En-suite and Bathroom, where we have used 12.5mm moisture boards as a final layer. Where ceilings were plastered by us and walls are fully tiled by others. Ceilings which had spot lights we needed to form light boxes to make sure that there will be no overheating which could result in a fire. Fire protection is our top priority.

When whole job was plastered, we have completed mist coat and plaster snagging. Also we have painted ceilings in white. Bathroom and En-suite ceilings had a special paint –> Dulux Bathroom white. Kitchen had also a special paint -> Dulux Kitchen. Other ceilings have been painted in Dulux White Matt.


It was very exciting project and finally we are ready to do another one!

Bathroom has been completed. Originally there were no bathroom in this place. Using methods of partitioning we have divided one large room in to three rooms.

We have started from demolition works. At the beginning we have stripped out old ceiling and old plaster.

Later on we have insulated ceiling between existing old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded it with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain best fireprotection we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards.

For better partition strength we have used only 72mm deep tracks on top and bottom, also mastic bead was applied to tracks and abutment studs.

We had a specific abutment detail when we were fixing abutment stud to external wall – uninsulated wall detail. Where we have fix two strips of boards to 70mm C Stud, DPM and mastic bead. Which will stop any damp or cold coming from the external wall bricks.

Brick walls had a wall lining installed. Where internal linings had no insulation, but external wall lining had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed.

Party walls and external lining had 2 skins of boards, 1st skin was 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance and 2nd skin was 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Moisture Board. Internal lining had just single layer of 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Moisture Board.

To reduce height in the room we have made suspended ceiling – MF type, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. Also we have built light boxes for spotlights to prevent overheating. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Moisture Board was used on the ceiling.

Plastering was done only to the ceiling, because afterwards all walls were tiled in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish on this project. Afterwards we have mist coated ceiling and complete plaster snagging with task light for better quality.



Bedroom has been finished and we are ready to show you results. Since latest refurbishment dated back to 1960s there was small cupboard, which was used from other side as a sink base. During renovation process we have removed it.

Another start from demolition. Old ceiling and old plaster have been stripped out completely.

Existing ceiling was insulated between old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain better fireprotection we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards.

All brick walls had a wall lining. Where internal linings had no insulation and external wall lining had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed. We have used Gypliner Wall Lining system.

Party walls and external lining had 2 skins of boards, 1st skin was 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, just to use it because some boards were left & 2nd skin was 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance. Internal lining had just single layer of 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance

We have made suspended ceiling – MF type to reduce height in the room, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. Also light boxes were built for spotlights to prevent overheating. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance were used to board ceiling.

Plastering was done in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish in this room. Please note that plastering always gives you better properties for your walls and ceilings. We always recommend to do plaster snagging with task light to achieve top quality. Room was mist coated and plaster snagging was completed.

Finally, we were able to complete Final Decorations to this room. We have painted ceiling in White, by DULUX brand and Walls in Dimity 2008 by Farrow and Ball.

Plumbing, coving and joinery were done by other contractor. Electrical works were carried out by our sub-contractor. We have completed 1st fix, 2nd fix and many other connections of various electrical elements.



Lobby and Corridor were areas with numerous amount of details and finally we have been able to complete it. During demolition works we have found message from builders dated to November 1963 year – few pages from old newspaper.

Another tough job to strip out old ceiling and old plaster completely.

Existing ceiling was insulated between old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain fireprotection at high level we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards.

Brick walls had a wall lining. Where internal linings had no insulation and external wall lining had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed. We have used Gypliner Wall Lining system.

External lining had 2 skins of boards, 1st skin was 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, just to use it because some boards were still available & 2nd skin was 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance. Internal lining had just single layer of 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance.

Old wood partitions were boarded with 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance, where entry wall had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed and edge beading around old wooden window frame.

Another suspended ceiling – MF type to reduce height in the room, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. We have built light boxes for spotlights to prevent overheating. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance were used to board ceiling.

Plastering was done in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish in this room. Please note that plastering always gives you better properties for your walls and ceilings. We always recommend to do plaster snagging with task light to achieve top quality. Room was mist coated and plaster snagging was completed.

Finally, we were able to complete Final Decorations to this part of the flat. We have painted ceiling and walls in White, by DULUX brand.



Finally, en-suite bedroom has been completed. Originally it was the largest room in this flat. Using methods of partitioning we have divided one it in to three rooms.

Demolition works was our target 1 job. Old ceiling and old plaster was stripped out completely.

Existing ceiling was insulated between old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded it with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain best fireprotection we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards.

For better partition strength we have used only 72mm deep tracks on top and bottom, also mastic bead was applied to tracks and abutment studs.

We had a specific abutment detail when we were fixing abutment stud to external wall – uninsulated wall detail. Where we have fixed two strips of boards to 70mm C Stud, DPM and mastic bead. This detail will stop any damp or cold coming from the external wall bricks inside of partition.

Brick walls had a Gypliner wall lining installed. Where internal linings had no insulation, but external wall lining had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed.

Party walls and external lining had 2 skins of boards, both skins used were 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance. Internal lining had just single layer of 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance.

To maximise height in the room we have made suspended ceiling as tight as possible to existing ceiling. We have used MF type ceiling on this project, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. Also we have built light boxes for spotlights to prevent overheating. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance was used to board ceiling.

Plastering was done in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish on this project. Afterwards we have mist coated en-suite bedroom and complete plaster snagging with task light for better quality.

Finally, we have been able to complete Final Decorations to walls and ceiling. We have painted ceiling in White Matt, by DULUX brand and walls in Dimity 2008 by Farrow and Ball.

Plumbing, coving and joinery were done by other contractor. Electrical works were carried out by our sub-contractor. We have completed 1st fix, 2nd fix and many other connections of various electrical elements. Electrical safety certificate was issued upon handover to client.



Another wet room in this apartment – En-suite. Originally there were no wet room in this place. Using method of partitioning large room was divided in to three rooms, one of these is En-suite.

Existing ceiling was insulated between old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded it with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain best fireprotection we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards.

For better partition strength we have used only 72mm deep tracks on top and bottom, also mastic bead was applied to tracks and abutment studs.

We had a specific abutment detail when we were fixing abutment stud to external wall – uninsulated wall detail. Where we have fix two strips of boards to 70mm C Stud, DPM and mastic bead. Which will stop any damp or cold coming from the external wall bricks.

Brick walls had a wall lining installed. Where internal linings had no insulation, but external wall lining had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed.

Party walls and external lining had 2 skins of boards, 1st skin was 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance and 2nd skin was 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Moisture Board.

To reduce height in the room we have made suspended ceiling – MF type, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. Also we have built light boxes for spotlights to prevent overheating. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Moisture Board was used on the ceiling.

Plastering was done only to the ceiling, because afterwards all walls were tiled in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish on this project. Afterwards we have mist coated ceiling and complete plaster snagging with task light for better quality.

Finally, we have been able to complete Final Decorations to ceiling. We have painted ceiling in White Bathroom, by DULUX brand.

Plumbing, Tiling and joinery were done by other contractor. Electrical works were carried out by our sub-contractor. We have completed 1st fix, 2nd fix and many other connections of various electrical elements. Even this large mirror with LED lights were fitted by us.



Lounge with fireplace and octagonal window bay. Very nice shape room, but it was very difficult to follow existing sizes and build window bay as you can see now.

Demolition process took us a while. Old ceiling and old plaster have been stripped out completely.

Existing ceiling was insulated between old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain better fireprotection we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards.

All brick walls had a wall lining. Where internal linings had no insulation and external and party wall linings had 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed. We have used Gypliner Wall Lining system.

Party walls and external lining had 2 skins of boards, 1st skin was 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, just to use it because some boards were left & 2nd skin was 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance. Internal lining had just single layer of 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance.

Octagonal window bay was formed from 70mm metal using tracks and C studs with braces. Insulated with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded with 2 skins of 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance.

Another suspended ceiling – MF type to reduce height in the room, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. Few pattresses were fitted for future fitting of smoke detector and feature lihght. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance were used to board ceiling.

Plastering was done in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish on this project. Please note that plastering always gives you better properties for your walls and ceilings. We always recommend to do plaster snagging with task light to achieve top quality. Room was mist coated and plaster snagging was completed.

Finally, we were able to complete Final Decorations to this room. We have painted ceiling in White, by DULUX brand and Walls in Dimity 2008 by Farrow and Ball.

Plumbing, coving and joinery were done by other contractor. Electrical works were carried out by our sub-contractor. We have completed 1st fix, 2nd fix and many other connections of various electrical elements.



Kitchen was our last room, to complete due to sink and toilet usage. As per old setting out it was Kitchen and Shower divided by timber frame partition probably done back in 1960s.

During demolition works we have removed old timber partition, old timber suspended ceilings and strip out old plaster from walls and old ceiling.

Existing ceiling was insulated between old wooden joists with 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and boarded it with 12.5mm Siniat GTEC Fire Board, also to maintain best fireprotection we have sealed the perimeter with fire foam and completed fire taping to plasterboards. During these works we have found that neighbour from upstairs had a water leak which was dripping. Issue was sorted prior insulating and boarding.

Brick walls had a Gypliner wall lining installed. Three linings had insulation 50mm Rockwool Slab Insulation and Novia Vapour Barrier (VCL) installed. Kitchen back wall had just 25mm Knauf Earth Insulation, the reason for this – allow enough space for kitchen units, to avoid clash with balcony door.

Three linings had 2 skins of boards, both skins used were 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance. Kitchen back wall had just single layer of 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance to allow kitchen unit fitment.

To maximise height in the room we have made suspended ceiling as tight as possible to existing ceiling. We have used MF type ceiling at this project, metal was supplied by Hadley brand. Also we have built light boxes for spotlights to prevent overheating. MF Ceiling was insulated with single layer of 100mm Rockwool Slab Insulation. 15mm Siniat GTEC dB Plasterboard with Acoustic Insulation performance was used to board ceiling.

Plastering was done in full. We have used Thistle Board Finish on this project. Afterwards we have mist coated en-suite bedroom and complete plaster snagging with task light for better quality.

Finally, we have been able to complete Final Decorations to walls and ceiling. We have painted ceiling in Pure brilliant white Matt Emulsion Easycare Kitchen paint, by DULUX brand and walls in White Scrubbable Matt, Easy Care by DULUX brand

Plumbing, coving, kitchen installation and joinery were done by other contractors. Electrical works were carried out by our sub-contractor. We have completed 1st fix, 2nd fix and many other connections of various electrical elements. Electrical safety certificate was issued upon handover to client.